Parts Of CPU
The CPU Consists on 3 parts they are CU, ALU and MU.
CU: Stand for Control Unit. It Controls all Hardware and Software.
ALU: Aluminum means arithmetic and logical unit.
MU: Stand for Memory unit.
Machine Cycle: Processor process all data using a Cycle called machine. It is 4 step Cycle with.
Step 1: Fetch" To take data from Mu and Cu.
Step 2: Decode" To Convert Data in o and 1.
Step 3: Execute" To solve arthmetic and logical operation.
Step 4: Store" To save prosessd data in Mu.
Data after given in Computer is processed by a device called (Central Processing Unit) or processor. The Work done by processor on data is called processing. Processing included calculate, rearrangement of data, conversion of data from one format to another and to control all other hardware and software of computer.
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