What is a database in a database?

What is a database in a database?

 Introduction to Database Management System 

Data is the plural form of the Latin word "Datum" which means to raw, facts and figures is called data. Data which decribe entities. An entity is things real extense.

Data Type,

  1. Alphabetica
  2. Numeric 
  3. Alpha Numeric
  4. Sound 
  5. Images/Graphic
  6. Video/Animation 
  7. Pointing 
Data Management or Processing of Data

Making the data resourse an organization's availabil for use and controlling its use is called data management or data processing.

  • Data Collection 
  • Data Orginization 
  • Data Storage 
  • Data Retrievel 
  • Data Manipulation 
  • Data Analysis 
There are two approaches towards data processing 

  1. Traditional/Conventional file approches 
  2. Data base approach 

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