What does reading passively mean?

What does reading passively mean?

Active Versus Passive Readings 
Active Readers:
Dynamic Readers know about and are in is control of their Redding interaction structure. They use active learning strategies. They have is positive attitude towards reading.

Passive Readers: 
Passive Readers are not aware of their Redding process read inattentively. Unusually do not make use of active on  learning strategies. They have negative attitudes to towards reading.
Interact, means to engage your mind with the writer's through questions and other active strategy.

Types of Readers
  • Passive Readers
  1. Page flippers 
  2. Appear to be reading
  3. Words get read but bounce of do not get absorbed
  4. Cannot remember what they read
  • Active Readers 
  1. Set a purpose 
  2. Connect Personally 
  3. Use prior knowledge 
  4. Predict
  5. Visualize 
  6. Monitor 
  7. Preview Test 
  8. Make inferences

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