The Kashmir Issue
Conflict Occupied Jammu Kashmir:
Kashmir is still an unsettled issue of the plan of the partition of the subcontinent. As per the arrangement of the division of the sub-mainland, individuals of various regions were permitted to join either India or Pakistan. The area where the Muslims were in majority became Pakistan. The 80% population of Kashmir consisted of the Muslims. They wanted to join Pakistan. Hari Singh, the ruler of Kashmir plotted against Pakistan and signed the agreement of accession to India. India occupied the territory unlawfully.
The people of Kashmir fought against India for their freedom and freed a part of Kashmir from the India occupation. The liberated piece of Kashmir is presently heavily influenced by Pakistan. The rest of Kashmir is held by India. Pakistan and India battled two conflicts over this issue yet the issue couldn't be chosen.
United Nations Security Council Resolution:
People of Kashmir Want Freedom:
At present the circumstance of harmony in Kashmir is extremely terrible. The India armed forces are trying to crush the freedom movement of Kashmir. They are killing children, murdering men and ravishing women. Disregarding this, individuals of not really set in stone to get independence from India. It is trusting that somebody will come to extinguish its furious flares. The following measures may be of some help towards the solution to this problem.
Presently the issue of Kashmir has become one of the significant issues of the world. The Government of Pakistan should exploit the circumstance. It should send delegations to different countries to highlight the issue. The world should be informed about the violation of human rights in the India held Kashmir. The issue ought to be examined through strong contentions on each global gathering. The Muslims countries should be requested to support us in this respect. The UNO may be asked to send its forces in the India held Kashmir to hold a just plebiscite. The Human Right Organization should be invited to the valley to investigate the human rights violation. I am sure if we are earnest and sincere the problem would be solved in the near future.