what is byte

what is byte

Storage Devices

After Processing of knowledge next step is to store data data. For storing data is Computer we use storage Devices like Magnetic tap, Hard Disk, CD, non-volatile storage .

Storage Capacity

  1. Byte
  2. Kilo Byte (KB)
  3. Million (Mega) bytes (MB)
  4. Billion (Gaga) bytes (GB)
  5. Trillion (Tera) byte (TB)
  6. Quridillion (Peta) Byte (PB)
  7. Exabyte's (EB)
  8. Billion Tera (Zetta) bytes (ZB)
  9. Septillion (Yotta) bytes (YB)
The bit may be a unit of measurement, the knowledge capacity of 1 digit . It has the symbol bit.
Types of Storage Devices:
  1. Primary storage Devices .
  2. Secondary storage Devices.

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